Living with Misophonia is a struggle for all of us. How do you work with Misophonia? Imagine working in an office, which you would assume is a quiet atmosphere. WRONG! …
When I first discovered what ‘Misophonia’ is, I had an entirely different story to tell. I was relieved there was a name. I was also scared that I have a disorder …
2017 is the year of Fake News, false hope, and the year where the divide between miracle and science has been raised so high, so wide, that a clear chasm …
I have a friend with Misophonia. It took me a while to understand what it was and how it affected their life. Eventually I realized it affects my life as …
Often I am emailed, messaged, and generally bombarded with messages that ask: “Should I try experimental misophonia treatment?”. People are willing to fork up thousands of dollars for these treatments, …
As a psychologist or psychiatrist, you are likely to be searching for ways to help your patients, and treat misophonia. Most-often, doctors and LPCs faced with misophonic patients have never …
This is a hot-button topic that I have seen on support forums, as well as through comments and questions on Misophonia International. Now, I wish I could give you a …
This is a list of headphones for misophonia, added to be sufferers of the disorder. This list will be updated regularly. These headphones are in no particular order, and feature …
Misophonia is officially defined as the hatred of sound. This definition isn’t quite right. Yes I hate some sounds, but not all sounds. I still love music, I love the …
When I was a little girl, I was excited to start school. I wanted to make new friends and have fun. Of course, little me soon realized that people can …