Home Coping Tips for Coping with Misophonia

Tips for Coping with Misophonia

by Misophonia International
Portrait photo of smiling woman in black top and glasses wearing white headphones

While there is currently no cure for misophonia. It is important to note that coping mechanisms can be very helpful. We communicate directly with misophonia researchers to ensure that there will be a cure sooner rather than later. However, in the meantime there are some great things you can do to help keep yourself calm. Misophonia coping tips can help you live a meaningful life, despite your condition.

There are some misophonia coping tips that can be helpful.

  2. Find professionals that understand, or at least are empathetic to your disorder. Misophonia Providers works in association with the Misophonia International Research Network and is a growing list of professionals across the US that understand the disorder. While the list is small, it is always growing.
  3. Do not be too hard on yourself. You do have a real condition and while it is not yet well-received by the world, it is okay that you are unable to attend every function. By accepting yourself, you may be able to cope better.
  4. Have meaningful conversations with family and friends to garner their support. If a person loves you, they should not want to hurt you. Share resources with them so that they understand you are not lying, and hopefully, they will come to terms with your disorder.

In this video, I’m going to share 5 Tips for Misophonia Coping that I personally use on a day to day basis.

I apologize for the sound quality of some of these videos. While my condenser microphone and tripod (both at once, yes) continue to be jerks… we’re going to have a bit of a rocky ride. I hope to have something a little more formal set up within the next few months.

Misophonia can be hard to cope with. We all know that. But, how do I cope? This video summarizes my misophonia coping tips. I didn’t mention everything, but I’ve found these steps to be very helpful.

  1. Earplugs paired with music
  2. Adjusting my position in a room to ensure I am not triggered (or where I sit on a bus)
  3.  Prepare in advance for intimate experiences that will have triggers (such as family dinners). You should explain to family/friends about the disorder (but don’t do so when triggered)
  4.  Manage stress (unwind, watch movies, take baths)
  5.  Leave the situation if you can

I fully understand that not everyone can react to situations in the same way. I encourage you to stand up for your health and find out what helps you. Once you’ve discovered this, you should advocate for yourself and try to find the best balance you can. In order to deal with this disorder, we’ve got to have our own backs. These misophonia coping tips are only meant to help you consider your options. You should talk to a medical professional about any lifestyle changes you may want to make.




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