Often I am emailed, messaged, and generally bombarded with messages that ask: “Should I try experimental misophonia treatment?”. People are willing to fork up thousands of dollars for these treatments, …
As a psychologist or psychiatrist, you are likely to be searching for ways to help your patients, and treat misophonia. Most-often, doctors and LPCs faced with misophonic patients have never …
I used the free exposure therapy app at the urging of my psych and therapist who are convinced that the only way for me to learn to tolerate sounds is …
Dori, would you tell us about music therapy in general? What is it? Music Therapy can be better described by saying music-based treatment, because it is a treatment in which …
If your doctor has never heard of misophonia, it is harder to obtain care. Unfortunately misophonia is a lesser-known condition so few doctors and medical professionals have hands-on experience with …
Because misophonia is not currently in the DSM-5 (the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the U.S), finding a misophonia diagnosis is nearly, if not …