Many people want to know why misophonia is not in the DSM, or are curious as to how we can get misophonia into the DSM. As you may know, the …
An interview with Sukhbinder Kumar and Mercede Erfanian. Would you describe the major findings of your study, “The motor basis for misophonia” (Journal of Neuroscience, 2021) In our recent study, we …
Since misophonia is a newer disorder, and one in which the consensus is still being reached, there is a lot of room for “researchers” to get things wrong. In-fact, getting …
U-HEAR (Unified Protocol to Help Emotions and promote Auditory Relief): U-HEAR is a USF research study about a treatment for children and adolescents with misophonia. We are currently recruiting children and …
by Jennifer Brout and Mercede Erfanian (University College of London) This year and last year have been exciting in terms of misophonia research. In the 2019 grants cycle, the Misophonia Research Fund approved …
Hi there, Dr. Rosenthal! I am thrilled to hear that the Duke Center for Misophonia and Emotion Regulation is officially established. Would you tell me a little bit about how the center is set …
Misophonia and ASMR: The Similarities by Mercede Erfanian Misophonia, a neurobehavioral condition characterized by highly emotional magnitude and aberrant physiological hyperactivation in results to the sensitivity and reactivity to a …
Sensory processing involves the reception of and automatic neurobiological responding to stimuli from the outside environment (Brown, Tollefson, Dunn, Cromwell & Fillion, 2001). The proposition that we learn through our …
A special thank you to Dr. Kumar for agreeing to this interview. How did you become interested in researching Misophonia? We did not know that much about misophonia until the …
Central Auditory Processing (CAP) Information Tammy Riegner, Au.D., Jessica Godovin, Au.D. PA-Newtown Square/Philadelphia: Jessica Loson, Au.D. NJ-Voorhees/Deptford: Jenna Pellicori, Au.D. According to the American Speech and Hearing Association, central auditory …