Home Developer Accessibility Are you triggered by your Android phone? Noises, UI/blinking cursor? Contact Google.

Are you triggered by your Android phone? Noises, UI/blinking cursor? Contact Google.

by Misophonia International
black android smartphone on brown wooden table

People with misokinesia and misophonia should not be ashamed to reach out to developers when their technology is not serving your needs. This can be a bit daunting, but the more of us that reach out, the more likely it is that Google/Android and other developers will take our needs seriously. Personally, for me, the blinking cursor on android is the most unfortunate feature since I am constantly dizzy and sick from its use.

Here is the letter I wrote google, you can make your own with your own needs:

Dear Google Android Developer Teams,
I am contacting you on behalf of my community, as I am the founder of a new non profit called the International Misophonia Foundation. We deal with sensory-based issues including misophonia, misokinesia, and sensoru processing disorder. I am contacting you because there is a severe accessibility issue within Android that has made using our devices near impossible without going into a fight-flight-freeze trigger response for misophonia/misokinesia. On this note, it has been very hard for us to cope because the flashing | blinking cursor causes a fight-flight freeze response which can manifest as anger, pain, disorientation, and even migraines. There are other sensory communities and neurological communities which might also be impacted by this issue (autism, epilepsy, migraines, traumatic brain injuries, etc).
On behalf of our communities we are asking for the following accessibility based changes, including, and most importantly, a system-wide option for disabling blinking cursor, such as what is possible via Windows.

Google provides options for accessibility for android here: https://support.google.com/accessibility/answer/7641084?hl=en&ref_topic=6004807&sjid=4970737096274239442-NC&visit_id=638352274059656814-1435247761&rd=1

This article is part of our #NOMOTION accessibility campaign. We will be sending this petition and campaign to major developers at Nintendo, Apple, and Android/Google.

If you are interested in our #NoMotion campaign, you can join our petition here: http://misophoniainternational.com/petition-android-ios-console-and-app-developers-reduced-motion-is-not-enough-we-need-no-motion/


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