The below image is a general overview of some types of noises. It’s important to first note that there is no research on sounds for misophonia, and why each sounds

According to Healthy Hearing, “Sound is measured in decibels or dB. Any noise above 70 dB for an extended period can damage your hearing and lead to noise-induced hearing loss. A 2022 study suggests that adults can comfortably listen to white noise at 45 dB in an office space (about the same volume level of conversation). “
Since there’s no actual research on the noises of misophonia, we don’t really know enough to say which noise will be most beneficial. I personally prefer a pink noise, but others might do better with brown or white. The research on sound masking is an ever-developing field, and there’s not a lot of research in general, and none to date on misophonia. The most important part of these sound masking types is that you personally feel calmed and soothed by it. You can even use a combination at different times and find what works for you specifically.
I personally like to combine white noise with ear plugs. I find that the combination of both blocks most triggers, whilst also gives me protection from the white noise being too loud and damaging my ears. Noise-cancelling headphones paired with earplugs can work in public. At home, I play pink noise through my speakers in the room as I find wearing earplugs and headphones long term can give me a headache.
While you can purchase devices specifically to play these sounds, Spotify, Amazon Music, and other music stores often have files you can play on your at home speakers, without needing additional equipment. I have personally been using the file below for YEARS, and have no plans on switching any time soon (it is also on Apple Music).
For this article, I’m going to be heavily sourcing the article from Mastered Blog, which goes through the noises in great detail.
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