Home Awareness Submit Your Misophonia “Horror Story”

Submit Your Misophonia “Horror Story”

by Shaylynn Hayes-Raymond

I have decided that as part of our goal to raise awareness on misophonia, the voices of our community should be more prominent and accessible to the world. However, I recognize that many people fear speaking out about their terrible experiences either in the workplace, relationships, with family, in public, at school (etc). Thus this created the idea of Misophonia Horror Stories (special thanks to Hannah Alonzo as I got this idea from her MLM horror stories series. If you have any interest in that type of content, I highly suggest following her). The goal of these stories is to show the deep suffering and human impact that misophonia has on individuals with misophonia AND loved ones.

In the future, if we have enough stories, we might publish this as curated anthologies in book format. We also plan to publish via blog posts and on youtube/tiktok/etc.

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Misophonia Horror Stories

Submit your own horror story.

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