Home Research Misophonia International Research Goals 2023 Onward (A Huge Under-Taking)

Misophonia International Research Goals 2023 Onward (A Huge Under-Taking)

by Misophonia International

Misophonia International is planning for some huge research undertakings in the coming years. We’ll need all the help we can get for this, and are thus writing up our plans and asking our community for their consideration of these proposed goals. Since misophonia research has been moving slower than we’d like, and not interacting with the community at a level we deem reasonable, we’ve decided that an important step forward is to be deeper in the conversation. Though we’ve always interacted with researchers, this step forward is going to be all-encompassing. At the end of this article, we’re going to include a survey and poll, and I would be delighted if you could answer!

The following are our proposed ideas and goals. While they might not al come to fruition, most of these goals have been brewing in our minds over the past decade:

  • Fundraising for academic studies that focus on research points that will lead to a greater understanding of misophonia, or lead to treatment (biological/genetic underpinnings, brain basis, etc).
  • The creation of an Academic Peer Reviewed Journal that publishes research by up and coming, as well as established researchers (must be IRB approved or their country’s equivalent).
  • Direct publishing of research conducted via surveys utilizing our community (we will use donations toward administration of this, IRB approval, and possibly publishing fees if the article is ear-marked for submission to a larger journal).
  • If there is enough donations left over, funds will be donated to students who are in the process of a degree such as a master’s, in the form of bursaries to help their studies (either students with misophonia, or students interested in studying misophonia).

Please fill out the below survey so that we can get community opinions on this project.


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