Shaylynn Hayes-Raymond is deeply passionate about helping people navigate the challenges of misophonia, a condition where specific sounds can trigger intense emotional and physical reactions. Based in New Brunswick, Canada, …
Misophonia, a condition characterized by intense emotional reactions to specific sounds, can significantly impact daily life. For those seeking relief and strategies to manage this condition, Shaylynn Hayes-Raymond, LCT-C, provides …
As a new, lesser-known condition, there is one thing I think needs to be verified by scientific efforts so that we can settle the debate once and for all: do …
Misophonia Matters is an advocacy-based coping skills class, book, and workbook for adults, teens, and clinicians by long-time advocate Shaylynn Hayes-Raymond. Shaylynn has been advocating for misophonia since 2015 and …
Some people with misophonia have told me (Shaylynn) that they have tried therapies for misophonia that they felt made the condition worse. With that in mind, I have decided to …
Is there Treatment for Misophonia? There have been numerous and various kinds of mental and other health providers who claim success with misophonia treatment without any scientific backing As stated …
While there is no official scientific consensus on the relationship between misophonia and misokinesia, some researchers and persons have taken to using the term misokinesia (hatred of movement) for visual …
One of the most asked questions about misophonia that I’ve seen has been whether or not marijuana, or weed, can help sufferers with misophonia. I’ll start this article by letting …
There is no current treatment for Misophonia. While this can be hard for sufferers to hear, this doesn’t mean that there’s no hope for Misophonia. The Misophonia and Emotion Regulation …
2017 is the year of Fake News, false hope, and the year where the divide between miracle and science has been raised so high, so wide, that a clear chasm …