A Summary on “Misophonia: Awareness and Responsiveness Among Academics” The paper is about a survey of undergraduate instructors from six state universities in Florida on their knowledge and experience with …
I recently had a conversation with a notable researcher in the misophonia community. I won’t name his name, but he responded to the petition in favour of misophonia accommodations by …
The International Misophonia Foundation is in the process of founding an academic journal for misophonia research. The largest part of this process is creating a fully-functional, open-source, peer review website …
Developing a model for Misophonia is not an easy charge. Misophonia has been shown to have a brain basis and potentially mirror neurons involved (Kumar, 2021). At this time, psychologists …
Almost every researcher on the planet would like to stand up and say that they care more about research than they do about their own ego and their own perspective …
An upcoming non profit for misophonia is looking for members for an independent research board. This board will be charged with reviewing the institution’s research and ensuring that all studies …
Misophonia International is planning for some huge research undertakings in the coming years. We’ll need all the help we can get for this, and are thus writing up our plans …
Sometimes we miss the obvious. Sometimes scientific connections stare us in the face, and we don’t see them, and therefore they are left unexplored. Mercede Erfanian, a prominent misophonia researcher at the …
Report on Findings of the LeDoux Lab by Jennifer Jo Brout One of the working theories related to mechanisms underlying misophonia is that auditory stimuli may be misinterpreted by the …
Misophonia is definitely not OCD. I say that, because I have both Misophonia and OCD, and yet some researchers are still conflating the two. I’m not entirely sure why researchers …