As a harsh critic of products, I tried really hard to come up with negatives of the Boyfriend Blanket. So far I’ve been testing this blanket for about a week. …
Product Review
Misophonia International aims to help persons with misophonia live their best life, and therefore, we accept product reviews to help sufferers decide which products might be best to help them cope. If …
It’s been about a week with my new Bluedio T2 noise cancelling headphones. I couldn’t afford Bose (but, god damn’it I considered it), and I really couldn’t afford anything more …
I’m really glad I bought these. They’re soft, comfortable, and super breathable. With misophonia, I find it really hard to sleep without complete darkness (it’s the easiest way to reset …
The PureClean Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner robot vacuum is an inexpensive unit designed to benefit users who have primarily hardwood, tile, or other hard surface floors. This robot vacuum is …
I can’t sleep without white noise playing. I also can’t sleep without an eye-mask. In a past article on sleeping with misophonia I talked about all of this. When I …
These [amazon_textlink asin=’B018WPOQSG|B018WPOQSG|B018WPOQSG’ text=’VIBES earplugs’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’misophoniaint-20|misophoniai0b-20|misophoniaint-21′ marketplace=’CA|US|UK’ link_id=’7fc0365f-e09d-11e7-88ca-3f3011939700′] are reusable and will usually go unnoticed. They are originally made to wear during live concerts, but can be worn in …
This item is small and fits into any decor. It has a variety of frequencies and volumes for covering up sounds. It helps me to relax.